Monday, December 3, 2012 Holiday Cocktail Party Benefitting the Edwin J. Gregson Foundation
Hall of Fame Jockey Mike Smith, Gregson Foundation President Jenine Sahadi, and Jay Hovdey, Daily Racing Form Executive Columnist, Eclipse Award Winning writer.
Hall of Fame trainer Ron McAnally and lovely wife Debbie at his side.
Thoroughbred trainer David Hofmans and lovely wife Linda.
(L-R) John Shirreffs, trainer of Zenyatta among many other world-class champions, CTT Executive Director Alan F. Balch, Mrs. John Shirreffs (Dottie), and Jane Goldstein, free-lance writer, former Director of Publicity and Communications at Santa Anita Park.
Jockey Joe Talamo, with agent Jay “Scotty” McClellan.
Trainer Dan Blacker and wife Christina Olivares Blacker, HRTV reporter/host/analyst.
Gregson Foundation President Jenine Sahadi, trainer John W. Sadler (more info here), and Gregson Board member Gail Gregson.
Stupefying card tricks! (L-R) Magician Mark Furey amazes Mary Forney (TOC Director of Operations) & husband Jim Forney, and former trainer Allen Severinsen as part of cocktail party festivities.